Providing support to those affected by breast cancer
We usually meet on the 3rd Wednesday of each month at 7pm at the Cancer Support Centre on Smith Lane. Our meetings are always friendly social events, an opportunity to chat over a cup of tea with other women who are living with or beyond breast cancer. Much of the emphasis is about getting on with life with or after cancer and the content of the evening meeting varies from talks from guest speakers to quizzes, jewellery parties, and other fun activities.
For more information on this year’s social events click the below button!
The big event in October every year is our Fashion Show. All the models participating in the show are women who have been affected by breast cancer, but also, partners and younger children of these ladies can also strut their stuff on the catwalk. This always proves to be a massive confidence boost for the models, looking good and feeling great! Plans for the Annual Fashion Show in October are under way and we are recruiting models already. If you have had a breast cancer diagnosis, and we would like to hear from you.
Our Committee

We are VERY pleased to announce, after our AGM, our NEW committee.
May we introduce:
Chair – Barbara
Vice Chair – Julia
Treasurer – Sue
Secretary – Liz
Trustees – Pat, Maria, Robina, Jane, Ania and Karren!
Bosom Friends is a registered charity and we rely entirely on fund raising and voluntary donations. Funds raised are used in a number of ways to benefit women being treated in Bradford. In some circumstances we can provide financial support e.g to purchase specialised underwear. We help the Cancer Support Centre with funding for a Complementary Therapist, have in the past bought specialised beds and other furniture and home comforts for the Breast Care Ward and are currently helping make the Dales Suite a pleasant and welcoming place.
If you would like more information about Bosom Friends, the meetings or feel you would just like to talk on a one to one basis with someone who has been through the same problems as yourself, please contact us and we will get back to you.